History of Bethlehem Camp

Bethlehem Camp was established in 1931. After the crops were harvested, families of all Christian denominations drove their horse and buggies to the camp for fellowship, revival, and Godly inspiration.

Over the decades, the camp’s facilities have been enhanced and now include five two-story dormitories, various meeting areas, an open-air youth pavilion, swimming pool, sports field, full dining facilities, RV sites, as well as our open air-conditioned tabernacle which seats 500.

The camp has maintained the vison of these pioneers who, after being secluded for a year, wanted to hug their friends’ necks, admire their calico dresses, brag on their new grandchild, or discuss the weather’s effects on the crops. While deep into catching up, they were also preparing the pot-luck supper. The women shelled peas, husked corn, and made biscuits while the men prepared the cook fire, took care of the horses, and built the brush arbor, which served as the church during the two weeks of camp.

Preachers, representing a variety of Christian denominations, would arrive at the camp ready to preach God’s word. Each day, after meals, the preachers took turns preaching God’s Holy Word.

The history of Bethlehem Camp is rich with fascinating stories of  people finding Christ, being called into the ministry, delving deeper  into their walk with Christ, and being healed of spiritual and  physical ailments.  

Even though we now drive cars to the camp instead of buggies, no  longer have to shell peas for supper, or take care of the horses, God’s word has remained constant and has touched the lives of  thousands of people over the years.